A Werewolf in England (2020)
Directed by: Charlie Steeds
I'd like to first acknowledge and commend Horrace for being a legit bad ass character. He gets all kinds of hell thrown his way and um... literally on his face in the form of werewolf molé/Hershey goo poo. I'm not kidding 💩😆 There was dancing like werewolves, and a useless character as lead but Horace rules. 😂 The costume design was not period accurate, the setting was pretty good, but the film had it's laugh. It had gore, and if you don't take it seriously it's not half bad. It's not that great either. It did provide my bestie and I inside jokes and then there's poop which can always be funny... depending on who you ask, possibly not for Horrace though. 🤣 I'm giving this extra points for Horrace and the werewolves. 5.9/10