Lippy (2018) short Directed & Written by: Lucy Campbell Streamed on: Hulu Another short that was part of Huluween.
The plot is interesting to sum it up briefly, it's about the repercussions of shoplifting. What happens to two teenage girls who shoplift makeup? You'll have to tune in to find out. I'm not impressed with this film. The security guard in this takes the cake of epic fail. Terrible. Over the top terrible. There's a craft to actors that can maintain campy and not have it appear like this. This performance was worse than the 80s Herman. I get she's trying to be "mad" but this isn't mad this is just sad. The plot twist is something a fan of 'Hostel' could appreciate but not me. Lol 🙄😑 I rate this at 2/10- Morgana