My Boyfriend's Back [1993]
Directed by: Bob Balaban
A teen finally has his wish come true when the girl of his dreams finally agrees to go out on a date with him. The problem? A bullet stops him in time before he can have his date. Well, if the title gives you any implications then you can gather what's next? Can the grave keep Johnny from going to the prom with Missy?
Well, I have been on a small quest trying to find a film I only remember fragments of the film. I thought this was the film but it wasn't it. Either way, I watched the film. It read like an episode from Tales from the Crypt.
It had its comical moments but I found myself a bit bored. It did have a steady pace. This film would have held stronger as a short in an anthology series versus a film. It was decent but the commitment to cheese was pretty thick. Lol 😂👏 If you love corny zingers, rather questionable dream sequences, cheesy romance vibes, and sprinkled in some random 80s vibes give this a shot.
Photo Credits: Touchstone Pictures