Son of Frankenstein (1939) Directed by: Rowland V. Lee
The story revolves around Baron Wolf Von Frankenstein seeking redemption for his family name. He moves into his families castle but is not greeted with a reception he hoped to arrive to. Upon further investigating in his father's castle he discovers Ygor. Ygor shows him where his father and grandfather lay. Additionally, so rests the Monster. Ygor convinces Wolf to revive and help the Monster who is ill. Wolf revives the Monster in hopes that he will redeem his father's name. Unfortunately, for him the Monster only responds to Ygor. The Monster exacts revenge on jurors who condemned Ygor to a hanging until death earlier on. Wolf discovers this and confronts Ygor. This confrontation results in Ygor dying. Angry, the Monster kidnaps Wolf's son but can not bring himself to kill him. Wolf rescues his son sending the Monster to a pit underneath the castle. The movie ends with Wolf and his family leaving town and the villagers eagerly cheering as the Frankenstein family leaves.
My thoughts: There was an air of romance between the lighting and playing of shadows that always visually appealed to me. The movie was steady paced at points, and at other times it did feel like it dragged on. Overall, I did enjoy it. What's not to enjoy with Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff? The Monster still holds a special place in my heart. In a way, Wolf and the Monster are not very different. --- Morgana Ghastly
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