The Book of Joe: About a Dog and His Man
Written by: Vincent Price
This heartwarming story illustrates the close relationship between one of horror and film histories iconic actors Vincent Price and his beloved dog Joe. Joe was a dog among dogs. This book details some of their adventures and their journey together. It's beautiful and I enjoyed reading every chapter. He had such a distinctive voice that even in writing you can hear it. ❤️
If you're a fan of Vincent Price, dogs, or looking for an awesome read give this one a shot! 10/10
This book was actually gifted to me by my bestie for Christmas/Birthday of 2019. I'm truly grateful for such a beautiful gift. I never would have expected that I was possibly capable to love this man more!! He was a devoted pet parent. Every one he had from roosters, a cat, but mostly his sweet boy Joe. Their journey held a lot of laughs, and even landed them in the court. I truly love this book and gift. I'll cherish it in my personal library always!
Photo Credit: Open Road Media and Vincent Price