The Invisible Man (1933)
Directed by: James Whale
I was fortunate to experience this film and the next review as a double feature during Halloween weekend. Up until that Saturday evening, I have never seen this film. Although, I own the legacy collection on DVD.
It's a film often overlooked by others in the Universal Monsters lineup but it does have its strong suit. For one, this one leans more on the comedy and it doesn't overshadow the beautiful cinematography that hooked me in to classic horror.
The story of Griffin using himself as a somewhat invisible Guinea pig for the sake of science and the coveted
P O W E R is the main storyline we follow. As we often hear, with great power comes... you know great responsibility. 😉 How will his story unfold? Yes, pun intended.
It's a great film that is deeply loved. It's definitely different and memorable. It definitely deserves a watch.
Photo Credits: Universal Pictures