The Witch Who Came From the Sea (1976) Directed by: Matt Climber *Warning this review contains massive spoilers*
This film had potential for conveying a strong message but missed the mark TREMENDOUSLY. There's an art about subtle implications on heavy messages without exposing the truth. Now, the review.
Molly was sexually abused as a child. Now as an adult she lives with the trauma of her father abusing her as a child. The trauma caused her to grow with a burden and hatred towards men who want her. The only man who escapes this is Long John, her mate. She goes under these spells and wakes up to find out some other man was murdered brutally. As her tally and count rises the cops are on her trail. Did I mention one of the men who almost rapes her gave her a brilliant idea? She randomly decides to get of a mermaid tattooed. Believing she's harvesting the spirit of Venus she gets a tattoo by some guy named Dracula something or other. He's busy making snide jokes at her as she lies topless with her "black curls" exposed. His words not mine. Yuck.🤦♀️ Anyways the end makes no sense she appears to get fed too many pills and it's implied she dies or goes under deep sleep. She then is seen in a raft floating away in the sea...
My thoughts: Lots of nudity. Lots of razors to men's nether's. The worst is the scenes where instead of insinuating her father raping her, you get the visual of a slimy greasy old man and I'll leave the rest to your imagination. This film is terrible. I wouldn't recommend. It missed the mark and it's the worst.
Final Score: 1/10 1 for the false advertising on the poster. The poster is what pulled me into wanting to watching this pile of rubbish.👎👎-Morgana
