A Fantastic Fear of Everything (2014)
Directed by: Crispian Mills
When you begin a project as a writer life around you starts to take a different turn. Sometimes, you are consumed by long hours of dedicated research/writing and sometimes it just goes with the flow. In today's #morganasfiendishlyfridaypick we have the story of Jack. A writer who finds himself in a bit of a blur. The spirits of a broken marriage, his unfinished work, and hours of research manifest into a paranoia he can't avoid. When the world around him starts to blur into his research he feels that fear is the only company he will keep. Fear pressing on his nerves and with his research consuming reality what will become of Jack? Are his paranoid rational thoughts true and death really is just around the corner? Is the world a lot more brighter than he is lead to believe?
Sit back and bring out your favorite cuppa because this is one heck of a story. Beautiful and captivating cinematography, a message with warning ties into the theme of Jack's story, hilarious moments wrapped in one crazy dark comedy, and a lovable assortment of characters. Check it out!
I remember watching this film and with each re-watch I learn to love it just a little more. I love the comedy. I love the soundtrack. I love the pauses and constant battles of what if's Jack has. I love the story he tells at the end. Within it's writing their are small messages left for it's audience to take away. The world becomes what we make of it. That even as dark as the world is there is some light and it takes just the right person to find it. Sometimes, it's ourselves and sometimes it's someone else. A family member, a friend, a significant other. Whatever it might be they make the world a better place and help break down the walls we burrow ourselves in. I love this one. Jack's rap is one of my highlights and I sometimes feel like singing the same when I'm writing a review. (KIDDING...maybe...no, I"m kidding lol)