Beetlejuice (1988) Directed by: Tim Burton and Beetlejuice Animated Series (1989)
The Maitlands meet an untimely fate but the afterlife is not how they imagined. Before they can make amends they have some unfinished business but not without getting rid of some pesky new inhabitants the Deetzes!! There's just one teeny tiny problem the new families teen can see them! 😱 Perhaps on time hears the call from a mysterious pest control. The beetle man himself 🎩💖 ummm on second thought you know his name. 🤫 The Beetle man tries to convince the Maitlands he can get rid of the Deetzes. But who are these pesky Deetzes anyways?
Let's meet the Deetzes! Charles, the husband is the "normal" looking one of the bunch. He's kind of aloof to everything. I' mean we see him in the film but I feel there is no real connection between him and his family. Then there's Delia, misunderstood artist extraordinaire?! Hmm maybe more like the edgy square lol 🤣 There's a clash between Lydia and her. It seems like Delia just does her own thing without consideration of the others in the family. Then last but not least... there's Lydia. Odd spooky and just completely misunderstood. Lydia appealed and has resonated with me since I first saw the film. A more detailed analysis will have to wait for another day.
🙂The story: I loved the aesthetic. The simple yet incredibly wonderful story! I have loved this movie since I can remember it. The parallels of the two families and how at center of them is Lydia and Beetlejuice. Speaking of the Beetle man let's look at him...
The beetle man was the Maitland's guide's assistant but went rogue. He claimed he could get rid of the living! A troublemaker and schemer the Maitland's do not comprehend who they just set loose." Once freed the ever mischievous Beetle man has no intentions of returning back to the Netherworld. He's found a loophole and an opportunity! Hoping to convince Lydia to marry him to save the Maitlands that's if he really does lol.. His plans are forever foiled by the Maitlands and leave Beetlejuice back in the Netherworld.
Now, we are at post night of havoc and shot gun weddings?! Lydia has returned back to school but returns home with her new friends the Maitlands. Where she celebrates to passing grade on an exam. We see now in harmony the Deetzes and the Maitlands living together in unity.
Beetlejuice has been a staple to a lot of us horror and non horror fans. Something about the benevolence the Maitlands have in contrast with Charles &Delia has not gone unnoticed for me. The feeling that Lydia finally got a happy ending and was valued has been one reason I love this film. Why do I? What's not to love when you have a character with enough mischief as he has eccentric charisma and a family that presents him the opportunity to reap havoc. lol. There also is the setting and what's not to love about it! This film has been a staple in my collection and easily one of my favorite movies. From the loveable cast of characters, to the themes of family and unity, from the multiple settings, and etc... Tim Burton has created an iconic film. That has been watched for many years. The success brought us the animated series.
There is some obvious differences in the animated series. We have Beetlejuice and Lydia the best of buddies. There's no Maitlands. We do have a new set of characters in the Netherworld. All entirely memorable. The animated series is a lighthearted comedy that is good for the whole family. The appeal of the comedy with the horror elements is why years later I find myself re-watching it time and time again!
Overall, Beetlejuice is a series and film that has inspired artists and people alike. From the loveable charisma it holds years later. There's something about the humor and the late 80s aesthetic that has been worthy of several rewatches. I think there's something to say to about how Lydia and Beetlejuice seem to be center threads that tie in this story. Their story continues in the animated series where they are more like friends in comparison to the other. Great film and great overall!
"Live people ignore the strange and the unusual. I myself am strange and unusual." These words hold so true to me and they have made an impact on me but again. I'm getting ahead of myself. That's another review for a later time.