Slender Man (2018)
Directed by: Sylvain White
A group of seemingly bored teens decide to try summoning the Slender Man and get a little more than they bargain for.
My thoughts: I decided to check this one out. I heard a lot of negative reviews on it. I figured I'd give it a shot. It had it's good points. The nightmare sequences were well done. That's it. The acting was atrocious, the plot bored me, and I could not get into this one. Boring. Absolutely boring. The actress who played Katie was so forced and unbelievably "edgy". What a joke! 🤣 It was excruciating to watch. Not a fan of this one. If you like excruciating terrible eye roll inducing "acting" with poor attempts of edgy teens check this one out.
Final Score: 4/10-Morgana