Part 3 of 3 reviews/brief analysis on #suspiria

Suspiria 2018 Photo Credits to the Production Company

Suspiria 1977 Photo credit to the Production Company and Dario Argento
As I mentioned in Part 1, I did something unconventional for myself and watched the remake before viewing Argento's film (1977). I also found out that the original was part of a series. That being said I will say I loved the original over the remake.
The remake had it's points for example as I mentioned the sequence between Olga and Suzie was interesting. Interesting because it in a way explains how these young women are a life source. How everything is connected. How power evolves within the walls of the house. However, it lacked wow factor for me. It was longer and at points unnecessary. The vibrant colors added something to the film that the remake lost. I personally felt reviewing the remake that it was focused on scare and in your face factor that it lost entirely Argento's seamless vision.
His vision used sight, sounds, and effective factors that would linger in your mind without knowing. Suzie also fell short in delivery in the remake. She lost the innocence and power she held in the original. Often times I would confuse Suzie with Sara in the remake. I will say for the 2018 version they did cast Harper in it so that was cool.
The soundtrack in the original additionally added the unnerving elements to the moods that it was effective. 2018 felt again like it was more focused on imagery versus a vision.
So overall 2018 I rate at 4/10. I say 4 because it was unnecessarily long. The casting besides Swinton and Harper were forgettable. The bland schema and overall performance was loss on me.
The original I rate 9.5/10. I rate it 9.5 because of the film in it's entirety had a vision. It lured you in using your senses. The soundtrack was harsh but it was intentional. The scene where Sara is fighting for her life was done at once with real wire. Suzy was a minimal force in the beginning but as it progressed so did her presence.