The Addams Family (2019) Directed by: Greg Tiernan and Conrad Vernon I went into this film with high expectations. The Addams Family has been tweaked and altered to fit the times for several years now. This is another version that fits the current time. It didn't appeal to me to be honest. I enjoyed the few Horror shout outs in the film. I enjoyed the humor here and there. I did not like what they did to Lurch. Lurch is a prominent character and they had me fooled. I enjoyed Theron as Morticia. To be brutally honest that's the only character I enjoyed. Gomez has always held a special place in my heart and his character was enjoyable but Tish stole the show. The house was stunning even the nod to the original series was heartwarming.
I watched the reruns as a kid. I always loved the Addams Family. I dressed up as Morticia for several years for Halloween. I had to switch costumes because my homemade costume was falling apart and so did my wig. If you can get past the revamp cues. The unnecessary auto-tune then you will enjoy it. A family sitting next to me loved it. I loathed it. It was so far off from the Addams Family! This is a product of the time and for me it fell flat.
My rating is pretty harsh. I come from a history of deeply loving this family. The overall message was nice but it's been done. Time and time again. Maybe you'll enjoy it more than I did. Maybe I'll give it a second chance but I'm good for now.
4/10, 2 extra points go to the house and Tish.