The Photographer of Mauthausen [2018]
Directed by: Mar Targarona
📷A photographer paints perspective. Perhaps one unspoken or not seen before. The real horrors of living in a concentration camp is hard to watch. This film explores the true story of one photographer's quest to bring to light the real horrors behind the walls of one concentration camp. He tries to get help from friends but ultimately one of the them pays a heavy price. 📷
This film has a lot of hard to watch scenes. If you can handle subtitles and some truth in your films give this one a watch. It has brilliant writing and cinematography. If you watch during the credits, you'll see the side-by-side comparison of some of the real pictures that were taken with the scene in the film.
It is a powerful film despite some of the negative reviews I saw. How can you expect a film like this to be docked points for it "moving too slow”? How can you make it move faster? Yeah, some of the same types of characters you see in these real story WW2 films are going to be shown. Why dock it points?
I'm not sure how accurate the personal portrayals are but you will have to expect some repetitiveness. This film won 3 awards and justly so. I personally thought it was a good film. The director and writer conveyed a powerful story of survival and justice in very dark times. The only reason that it's not a 10 is at one point an important character to the plot passed and I didn't realize it because I personally couldn't understand what was happening in this scene. There were point's where I felt there might be plot holes.
Photo Credit: Netflix