"Goodness comes from within. Goodness is chosen."
🥛Alex is one of those characters that you either like or dislike. Dislike for all the obvious reasons. He was a delinquent. He was violent but you can't deny the powerful presence that followed him. In a way, he was this unmistakable source of power. He took what he wanted and made the world pay. No one saw mercy. He was this spirit of rebellion almost untouchable until one small calculation sets his life down a different path.
The flat block marina scene is one of those scenes that I love. I can't place why but in the film it's a turning point. This slow-motion poetic violent waltz sets the markers for the future.
His leadership is questioned by his droogs. He will not submit to surrendering his title and he decided to sort things out his way. His brothers aren't one's to forget easily as the next step in their plan is set, Will he take the fall and he does. He thinks he can one up the system by playing nice. The cure is almost as cruel as his merciless hand is to others but your friend our humble narrator sees the cure.
Now reformed he returns back to the world to make amends. This return back to the world is like a third act. One that can be seen as revenge. The third act is the state of order. The world releasing it's revenge to our narrator.
🍊"I've suffered and I've suffered and everybody wants me to go on suffering."🍊
So, the film and story sways into this almost 3rd act. He goes home to dear M & P.
Dear M & P have moved on. They find love and paternal warmth in Joe. Joe knows Alex's story and he like the world around him aren't quick to turn its eye on him. They see him for what he really is or...could they be mistaken? The homeless man he nearly beat to death recognizes him and has his hand at revenge. But...who should save him? Why...Dim and Georgie!
Now sporting new uniforms exercising their newfound power. The once joyous ride of camaraderie is now traded for one leading to another turning point in our narrator’s story. When suddenly all the dominoes start to fall one by one.
The writer who kindly tried to help him now has the moment for his hand at revenge. His vengeance leads Alex to nearly succeed in killing himself.
This third act is a constant wave of reprisal. This is where we are now. Alex, a once wisecracker playing the world for power to be released into the world a new man. No mercy spared and in turn the world and it's string of dominoes show no mercy to Alex.
Society cannot forgive him or show him mercy. It knows not the word for the likes of him. This is where as the viewers we are dealt two perspectives in division.
If you lean on the side of, he doesn't deserve mercy because he's this truly manipulative person.
Then witness as the world unleashes one irony after another in dramatic fashion!
However, if you lean on the side where even someone so completely lost deserves a second chance to make amends.
Then you see all these instances that really play on your empathic nerve.
In the book, Alex has a happy ending in the final chapter. He becomes this better person to lead his son down a better path. I think that's where the appeal is for me. In every right sense you're not meant to root for him but he kind of wins you over. He does reform into this human character. It challenges you as the reader or viewer to truly question what you know. To gather your own perspective and takeaway.
So, what's it going to be then, eh?
Photo Credits: Warner Bros., Columbia Pictures,
Direct quotes credit: Anthony Burgess